Preoperative joint replacement

Preparing for Joint Replacement: The Vital Role of Pre-operative Fitness

Joint replacement: Preoperative operation

Professor Kim Bennell, physiotherapist

Having a joint replacement is no magic bullet it's a big operation and it involves an extensive  period of rehabilitation afterwards and so it's  really important that if you're going to put in  the effort to have a joint replacement that you are as fit as possible for that and that you get the body ready, get the joint ready so, strengthening, proving your fitness. If you're going to put in the effort afterwards you need to make sure that the best outcome that you put the effort in beforehand as well.

Dr Tony Dunin, orthopaedic surgeon 

If you're going to have a joint placement, I think it's great idea to get yourself as fit as possible beforehand. So,  getting on an exercise bike or swimming, getting out the sunlight getting your vitamin D levels  and having a good nutrition, eating well beforehand and maybe a check-up with your GP just to make  sure you're in optimum health before you have your operation.

Judith Nguyen, osteoarthritis patients

When I was told that I needed a joint replacement like let's use the knees as an example he also told gave me a referral to the pre-admission clinic at the hospital where I was going to have the surgery and stressed the importance of preoperative physiotherapy. With knees you've got to build up your muscle tone you know tighten your quads and I'm not a sporty person at all but I was completely okay with  doing pre-operative physio and I think my main message in all of the joint replacement scenario  is the need for pre and post-operative physio.

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Learn more about healthy eating for osteoarthritis.

This video explores the importance of understanding your condition and learning about treatment options to self-manage your arthritis.